Mobilize is the Community online platform that IAP uses to:

  • Provide general community and class-specific spaces for:
    - interaction
    - sharing
    - resourcing
    - networking
    - and more...

Registration into the IAP Community space is optional, but we strongly encourage it.

You will receive the join link in the welcome email.


What happens when you enrol?

When you enrol, you will receive an email with information about your course enrolment.

That email will have a link to join the general IAP Mobilize Community. Click that link and join.

Once you join, you will have access to the entire IAP Community, and you will start receiving notifications that go out to the community.

You will also be able to post to the community - like an introduction to who you are and what you are studying.

Later on, you will be placed in a class-specific group in Mobilize that will serve as your class-specific resource and communication space.

Using Mobilize is simple and intuitive.

However, to learn more about it, and to access the FAQs, please visit the page below: