Q: What is a credit note?
A: A credit note is an official record of credit you hold valid with IAP only. The credit note tells you how much credit you have and for how long it is valid for. 
Q: What is a credit note used for?
A: A valid credit note can be used to absorb or reduce the course price of a Qualification when enrolling into any IAP course(s) at a future date. 
Q: How do I get a credit note?
 A: Credit notes are issued by IAP management under circumstances where you will not be continuing with an existing enrolment you are enrolled into and deferring your enrolments is not a suitable option for you. You will need to submit a completed withdrawal form to support@iap.edu.au and let the support team know you wish to apply for a credit note for your enrolment.
Q: Can any student request and be approved a credit note?
A: Any students can request a credit note but IAP management may deny a request for a credit note. If your Financial Liability is with IAP  and not an external provider and a valid, reasonable reason is given for your withdrawal then most cases are considered. Credit notes are not approved if you are paying off an external loan for your course as credit is only valid with IAP and is not a reflection of any external financial agreements. 
Q: What is the value of my credit note?
A: Credit note value($) = the dollar value of tuition fees paid by yourself to IAP or the agreed amount by IAP management.
Q: How long is my credit note valid for?
A: The standard is 2 years from issue, unless otherwise agreed to. 
Q: Do I have to re-enrol into the same Course? 
A: No, you are not restricted to which course(s) you use your credit note for however if you do choose to re-enrol into the same Qualifications any work already complete is kept on record and so may be applied as course credit, if you choose. 
Q: When I enrol in the future does my "complete-by-date" reset? 
A: Yes, Because you would have been withdrawn from your previous enrolment in order to receive your credit note, any future enrolment is treated as a "new" enrolment. So you are starting over with a new "complete-by-date"
Q: Do I have to use the full amount of credit when enrolling or for a singular enrolment? 
A: No
Q: Will the course price be the same when I enrol? 
A: Course pricing is not guaranteed at the time of enrolment. Pricing may fluctuate over the course of time due to promotions and/or campaigns for example.       
Q: Can a credit note be exchanged for cash?
A: No

Have further questions? Contact us on

P: 1300 380 681
E: support@iap.edu.au 
W: www.iap.edu.au