
Part of your learning in the CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling includes your attendance (at least one time) at all of the Practical Webinars provided for you.

These webinars are interactive and live.

You need to book/register into them ASAP as they fill quickly.

You must do them all at least once within your 2-year Diploma.

They are run by Denise, our Counselling Facilitator and are essential to your learning.


What is the content?

The following are the 10 sessions and what they are on.

  1. Practical Session: Spiel, Engagement and Concerns -Why do engagement? Getting presenting concerns from the client
  2. Micro-skills & Therapeutic Questioning techniques (movement to therapeutic)
  3. CBT
  4. Motivational interviewing
  5. Brief-Solution focused therapy
  6. End of session opinion
  7. Conceptualising a case
  8. Getting a behavioural sequence
  9. Reflection transference: Self-care for therapists
  10. Genograms -why and how


How to Register ???

Go to your student portal and go into your course.

You will see one of the units is "Practical Sessions Path A". In that section, you will see all of the practical webinars listed (there are 10).

Click on "open" to select which session of that webinar you would like to attend and register.