Option A - Standard Course

(Please note CHCCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support is an elective you must complete in Module 3)


Choose three units from the list below:

CHCMHS001 – Work with people with mental health issues

This unit focuses on equipping individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively work with people experiencing mental health issues. The unit covers key aspects such as understanding the impact of mental health issues on individuals, working collaboratively with clients to address their mental health needs, and implementing appropriate strategies to support recovery. It also emphasizes the importance of maintaining personal and professional boundaries while working in this field.

CHCFAM003 – Support people to improve relationships

This unit is designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to assist people in enhancing their relationships. This unit focuses on understanding the dynamics of relationships and applying strategies to support individuals and families in strengthening their connections. It covers areas such as communication skills, conflict resolution, and providing support to clients to help them navigate relationship challenges.

CHCCCCS003 – Increase the safety of individuals at risk of suicide

This unit focuses on providing knowledge and skills to support individuals who are at risk of suicide. The unit teaches participants how to identify and assess the level of risk, implement strategies to reduce the immediate risk of harm, and provide ongoing support to ensure the safety of individuals.

CHCCCCS014 – Provide brief interventions

This unit is focused on developing the skills required to deliver short-term, targeted interventions to individuals who may need immediate support or guidance. This unit emphasizes the use of effective communication techniques and strategies to quickly assess the needs of the individual, provide appropriate support, and help them navigate through crises or challenges.

NAT11271001 – Working within a clinical hypnosis framework

This unit is centred around equipping practitioners with the foundational knowledge and skills to effectively use clinical hypnosis in a therapeutic setting. It covers key areas such as understanding the principles and ethics of hypnosis, applying hypnotic techniques within a clinical framework, and tailoring approaches to meet individual client needs.



Option B - Grief and Loss specialisation

(Please note CHCCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support is an elective you must complete in Module 3)


You complete the following electives:

CHCCCCS003 – Increase the safety of individuals at risk of suicide

This unit focuses on providing knowledge and skills to support individuals who are at risk of suicide. The unit teaches participants how to identify and assess the level of risk, implement strategies to reduce the immediate risk of harm, and provide ongoing support to ensure the safety of individuals.

CHCMHS007 – Work effectively in trauma informed care

This unit is designed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills to work with individuals who have experienced trauma. The focus is on understanding the principles of trauma-informed care, recognizing the impact of trauma on individuals, and applying strategies that support recovery while avoiding re-traumatization.

CHCCCCS018 – Provide suicide bereavement

This unit is focused on equipping professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to support individuals and families who have been affected by suicide. This unit emphasizes understanding the complex emotional, social, and psychological impacts of suicide on those left behind. It also covers how to provide appropriate interventions and support mechanisms to help survivors cope with their grief, as well as facilitating access to additional resources and support networks.



Option C - Mental Health specialisation

(Please note CHCCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support is an elective you must complete in Module 3 – you are required to complete only the e-learning material and the performance assessment – you do not need to complete the Workbook and Knowledge Question and Answers for CHCCCS017).


You complete the following electives:

CHCMHS005 – Provide services to people with co-existing mental health and alcohol and other drugs

This unit is designed to equip practitioners with the skills and knowledge necessary to support individuals dealing with both mental health and substance use challenges. The unit covers how to assess the needs of these clients, develop appropriate service plans, and implement strategies that address both mental health and AOD issues concurrently.

CHCMHS007 – Work effectively in trauma informed care

This unit focuses on providing the knowledge and skills required to support individuals who have experienced trauma. It teaches the principles of trauma-informed care, emphasizing an understanding of how trauma impacts individuals and how to create a safe environment that promotes healing and recovery. The unit also covers strategies to avoid re-traumatization and encourages practices that are sensitive to the needs of trauma survivors.

CHCMHS011 – Assess and promote social, emotional and physical wellbeing

This unit is focused on equipping practitioners with the skills to evaluate and enhance the overall wellbeing of individuals. This includes understanding and assessing the social, emotional, and physical aspects of wellbeing and implementing strategies to promote a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

CHCMHS001 - Work with people with mental health issues

This unit focuses on equipping individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively work with people experiencing mental health issues. The unit covers key aspects such as understanding the impact of mental health issues on individuals, working collaboratively with clients to address their mental health needs, and implementing appropriate strategies to support recovery. It also emphasizes the importance of maintaining personal and professional boundaries while working in this field.




Option D – Clinical Hypnosis specialisation

(extra fees are payable for this Specialisation)


You complete the following electives:

NAT11271001 – Work within a clinical hypnosis framework

This unit is centred around equipping practitioners with the foundational knowledge and skills to effectively use clinical hypnosis in a therapeutic setting. It covers key areas such as understanding the principles and ethics of hypnosis, applying hypnotic techniques within a clinical framework, and tailoring approaches to meet individual client needs.

NAT11271002 – Prepare for clinical hypnosis session

This unit focuses on equipping practitioners with the necessary skills to effectively prepare for a clinical hypnosis session. It covers essential aspects such as setting up the environment, understanding client needs, creating appropriate treatment plans, and ensuring that all necessary pre-session preparations are completed. This unit is vital for those looking to integrate clinical hypnosis into their practice, ensuring that sessions are conducted in a professional and therapeutic manner.

NAT11271003 – Provide a clinical hypnosis session

This unit focuses on equipping practitioners with the necessary skills to conduct effective clinical hypnosis sessions. It covers the process of guiding clients through a hypnosis session, ensuring that techniques are applied correctly, and tailoring the session to meet the specific needs of the client. This unit is vital for practitioners who use hypnosis as a therapeutic tool, emphasizing the importance of professional conduct and therapeutic outcomes during the session.

NAT11271004 – Monitor and evaluate clinical hypnosis interventions

This unit focuses on equipping practitioners with the skills to assess the effectiveness of clinical hypnosis sessions. It covers methods for monitoring client progress, evaluating outcomes, and adjusting interventions as needed to ensure optimal therapeutic results. This unit is essential for practitioners who aim to refine their practice based on evidence and client feedback, ensuring that their hypnosis interventions are both effective and responsive to the needs of their clients.