3 Easy Ways to Market your Hypnotherapy Business

By Lawrence Taylor Ellyard


Hypnotherapy is one of those rare disciplines that can help a lot of people who aren't helped by anything else. The only tricky part is making yourself known so patients can find you and understand what you do.

Funny Videos to Help Pop Misconceptions on YouTube and Elsewhere

Hypnotherapy is used a lot in fictional media like film. One great way to get yourself out there is to make a funny video where you make fun of the myths about Hypnotherapy like how it can make anyone act like a chicken, or that it always involves a pocket watch, or that it always involves you intoning "you are getting very sleepy."

Once you have people's attention in the video and they are in a light mood, you can go into a bit more about what you actually do. This would be a great place to show video endorsements from some of your satisfied customers, for example. You could also show a bit of a real session, with the patient's permission of course. Or, else, you could just demonstrate it with an actor or someone else who wants to help out.

There are a lot of desperate people out there who have tried everything else and their misconceptions about Hypnotherapy could be the only thing that keeps them from becoming a client. Plus, it'll be fun to put on fuzzy eyebrows and carry around oversized pocket watches for a video or ask people whether they want to act like a chicken only to have them shake their head and look at you with concern. It will be a striking video with a tendency for high views, at least!

You can make these videos on a place like YouTube where you put out content, or else just embed the YouTube video on your site. Patients really are interested in dispelling ridiculous rumours and learning about how Hypnotherapy can be their salvation for stress and other ailments.

Riding the Hypnotherapy Trend

Hypnotherapy is moving through a big trend these days. Putting out articles and other content that you can advertise on places like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or Instagram can be an effective way to find people who will be interested. After all, sites like Google and Facebook will often be the places that people are looking for content about alternative ways to correct their chronic back pain, trauma issues, and other problems that Hypnotherapy is often uniquely suited for.

When it comes to trauma conditions in particular, for example, it can't be treated easily. There have been studies out there for years that indicate that Hypnotherapy can be a godsend for reducing involuntary, intrusive attacks on the psyche caused by trauma. PTSD patients are often desperate for some alternate approach since some treatments can often make trauma conditions even worse.

Meaning, they will be looking out for something just like your ad, especially if you pitch it right. Link articles from your Facebook account about how PTSD can be intractable to traditional methods. Pitch ads asking the user if they are tired of getting told they aren't trying hard enough, and that they may, in fact, have a problem that traditional counsellors can't help. You'll be shocked by how quickly the requests come in. Trauma survivors are often desperate for any relief.

Podcasts About Stress

Another thing that you can try is any other kind of content where you talk about the conditions that you treat in your practice, like chronic pain related to stress, or anything else that is seriously affecting the subconscious that's hard to access on the outside. This will likely be fairly natural for you to do given your expertise. Additionally, hooking up the equipment to just talk into a mic and then stream it is surprisingly easy and cost-effective.

You'll probably enjoy doing it, you'll be helping people to quit putting all the pressure on themselves uselessly, and it will be fantastic advertising for your practice. Podcasts are a huge trend these days since people can listen to them no matter what else they are doing, including driving in a hauling vehicle, working on a project, or even just sitting around at work.

You could talk about just about anything related to health and beauty that people might be interested in, such as increasing self-control, boosting self-esteem, getting rid of stress, or whatever else.

Jumping That Final Insurance Hurdle

After you are all trained and ready to go with your certifications, as well as getting your marketing strategy in place, one of the last things you'll have to worry about is to make sure that you're covered in terms of your insurance.

Fortunately, IICT has you covered with policies starting from as little as $9.17 a month. All you have to do is become a member, once you're approved you'll have access to discounted insurance rates.

This approach has several advantages. For example, you won't have to go through the tedious task of searching for hours to find a plan that covers what you need to be covered for and that is cheap enough for you to afford. In many cases, you can save hundreds of dollars over other policies this way, without having to sit around and compare them all.

Plus, you have access to different types of memberships including a student membership, full membership, executive membership or even as a trainer provider if you want to go that route. 

No matter where you are in your career, from student to master, you can get coverage. This way, you can stop worrying about it and instead focus on your practice.

So, contact us today to get started with your coverage and get it truly out of the way!

Lawrence Taylor Ellyard

About the Authur

Lawrence Taylor Ellyard

Lawrence Taylor Ellyard is the CEO and Founder of the IICT with over 25 years experience in the natural health industry. Lawrence has been instrumental in developing the IICT's operations both within Australia and Internationally.
