What is the role of the assessor?

IAP assessors are external contractors and provide professional assessor services to IAP for the Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy. They are not part of IAP permanent staff and only have responsibilities regarding assessments and marking of assessments within their area of expertise. If you require any further assistance outside of this scope, please contact support@iap.edu.au.

However, assessors are keen to help students attain the required standard in order to meet the assessment criteria. 

What is the assessor's role during 'live' assessments?

During 'live' assessments the assessor's role is to ensure that students meet and provide the necessary evidence for each item listed in the assessment checklist. They are unable to mark anything outside of these criteria. If a student misses any of the criteria, the assessor will ask questions at the end of the assessment to give the student a further opportunity to demonstrate competency. 

Assessors will help students gather evidence so that they can be deemed competent.

There are occasions when a student is not ready to be assessed or has missed too many of the required criteria. Depending on the case the assessor may stop the assessment and inform the student what to do next or how they recommend they proceed.


How do I communicate with assessors?

Any communication with assessors regarding ‘live ‘or tutorial sessions should be made via student support at support@iap.edu.au. (unless the assessor has advised that you can communicate with them directly)

Live assessments withstanding, you may also receive communication from an assessor via email within your student portal. This usually relates to other units within the course they have marked.

Please ensure that all your email communications with your assessor/s are respectful and professional, any communications that are abusive or derogatory will be escalated to IAP management.

How will I be assigned an assessor?

Students are typically assigned more than one assessor during the course. Students may also be assigned more than one assessor for a unit ie one assessor may mark one element within a unit and a second assessor marks another. There are assessors that mark only the hypnosis and strategic psychotherapy units and there are assessors that mark only the counselling units.

How are assessments marked by assessors?

Each assessor is allocated a number of students and units at any given time. Units that have been lodged for assessment appear in the assessors portal in date order of lodgement. Assessors will then work systematically through their list of units that require marking.

Most Units are marked and returned within 3 -4 weeks. Assessors endeavor to meet this deadline, however, occasionally issues such as assessor ill health or technical issues may delay this process. If you have any concerns regarding delays contact support@iap.edu.au