IAP recognises the value of AI as an educational resource while emphasising the importance of original thought and work in the learning process. This policy provides guidelines for the appropriate use of AI in coursework and assessments.Acceptable Use of AI
  1. AI as a Learning Resource: Students are permitted and encouraged to use AI tools as supplementary learning resources, similar to how they would use textbooks, articles, or other reference materials.
  2. Understanding Complex Topics: AI can be used to gain a better understanding of complex topics, concepts, or questions presented in coursework.
  3. Exploration and Research: Students may use AI to explore different perspectives on a topic or to find relevant information for further research.
  4. Brainstorming and Idea Creation: AI tools can be used for brainstorming ideas or generating starting points for assignments, provided that the final work is the student's own.
Not Acceptable Use of AI
  1. Direct Answering of Questions: Students must not use AI to directly answer questions in assessments.
  2. Essay or Response Generation: AI must not be used to generate essays, reports, or responses to activities or questions that are to be submitted as the student's own work.
  3. Plagiarism: Submitting AI-generated content as one's own work is considered plagiarism and is strictly prohibited.
  4. Circumventing Learning Objectives: Using AI in a way that bypasses the intended learning process or objectives of an assignment is not only not allowed but is detrimental to the student's learning.
Best Practices for AI Use
  1. Citation: When using AI as a resource, students should cite it appropriately, just as they would any other source.
  2. Critical Thinking: Students should always apply critical thinking to information obtained from AI sources, verifying it against other reliable sources.
  3. Transparency: If AI tools have been used in the research or preparation process, students should be transparent about this in their work.
  4. Seeking Clarification: If students are unsure about whether a particular use of AI is acceptable, they should consult with the facilitator or assessor.
Consequences of Policy Violation
Violations of this policy will be treated as academic misconduct and may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to:
  • Receiving a Not Yet Satisfactory for the assessment
  • Not completing the course
  • Suspension or expulsion from the course(s)
Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure it remains relevant and effective in light of evolving AI technologies and educational practices.