Terms and Conditions and Student Declarations - July 2022

Please read these terms and conditions carefully. Your enrolment shall be deemed to be your understanding of, and
agreement to each of the terms and conditions set forth below.

At least 80% of practical sessions must be attended to constitute a pass in attendance.
2. ENROLMENT GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Students must meet the following criteria to be
eligible to enrol in this Course:
2.1. The Student must consider and these Terms and Conditions including the Mental Health
Declaration at section 23 of this document.
2.2. The student must declare any and all medical requirements (mental and physical) which may
affect their ability to participate in the Course.
2.3. The Student has the required level of English proficiency for the level of study to be
undertaken, and,
2.4. The Student must demonstrate a reasonable and working ability to effectively use email,
web browsers, student portals, and online communication platforms such as Zoom, and,
2.5. The Student must have access to a stable internet connection, a computer and a printer.


3.1. Your place within the courses is not confirmed until IAP has received a fully completed
Student Enrolment Form (electronic), fees have been paid in full or a payment plan
agreement has been commenced, and we have received your signed and accepted terms
and conditions.
3.2. If paying for the course up-front and in full: once the full course amount is received along
with the signed terms and conditions, you will be granted access to online resources (video
and audio files, eLearning modules, resources and student support) and you will be
considered to have started the course and no refunds will be issued.
3.3. Arrangements for payments for courses through third party lenders are considered to be
up-front in full payments and are treated as such for the purposes of enrolment.
3.4. If paying by payment plan: once you have paid the the minimum amount for the first
payment agreed to with IAP, and we have received the signed terms and conditions, you will
be granted access to online resources (video and audio files, eLearning modules, resources
and student support) and you will be considered to have started the course and no refunds
will be issued.


4.1. IAP reserves the right to postpone or reschedule courses due to unforeseen circumstances
(including, but not limited to, low enrolments, Pandemics, and any other situation
whatsoever outside of IAP’s control).
4.2. IAP will make every effort to ensure that participants of postponed courses are placed in the
next available instance of the Course.
4.3. Any change in the Mode of Delivery does not constitute a cancellation of the Course.


5.1. For all accredited and non-accredited courses (Courses), you may cancel your enrolment if
you are within 14 days of enrolment and you have not accessed any of the resources, units,
readings, eLearning modules, etc. This means that even if you have not accessed any of the
resources if you withdraw after 14 days of your enrolment, no refunds are available. You are
deemed to have commenced your Course at IAP at the time of enrolment and/or at such
time as you are given access to the course and the learning resources. Please note that
practical sessions (scheduled or otherwise) are part of the Course but do not constitute the
start and end of the Course.
5.2. All enrolment withdrawals must be requested by submitting a completed Student Withdrawal
Form and sent to student support via email (
5.3. Any approved refunds of course fees paid via a third party loan provider will have the
relevant merchant fee (which was paid by IAP on top of the course fee) deducted from any
monies refunded.
5.4. Any approved refunds of course fees paid upfront and in full by the student will incur a $500
administration fee.
5.5. Any approved refunds of course fees paid as part of an IAP Payment Plan will incur a $500
administration fee.
5.6. Any approved refunds of course fees paid as part of any other payment method or service
will attract an administration fee IF a refund is issued. This administration fee will vary
depending on the payment facility used which will be stated on the receipt.
5.7. Any withdrawal or refund application is subject to the terms and conditions of IAP.
5.8. A refund is not guaranteed outside of the cooling off period and is subject to the full terms
and conditions and the CEO’s approval.
5.9. Any refund will take approximately 6-8 week to analyse confirm and process.
5.10. Awards will not be issued until all fees are paid.


6.1. Any and all deposits which are paid by a student are non-refundable.


7. SEMINARS, WEBINARS and SPECIAL EVENTS (the Event) (these are not Courses)
7.1. At least two (2) weeks prior to the first day of the Event with a $100 administration charge
and any deposit you have made will not be refunded.
7.2. Less than two (2) weeks prior to the first day of the Event, you will not be entitled to any
7.3. Any deposits made are non-refundable.
7.4. If you do not attend an event and do not advise IAP within the above stated timeframes, no
refunds will be issued.


8.1. Provided we are advised at time of booking, IAP does not charge a fee for participants
attending more than one scheduled course to complete all required modules.
8.2. It is the participant's responsibility to ensure courses are completed within any statutory
8.3. You may transfer your full course to another timetabled iteration provided you have not
commenced the course. You are required to give us 14 days written notice. No transfer will
be allowed if you have started the course.


9.1. IAP charges $250 for a full and complete switch to another timetabled course. This switch is
essentially entering a new Timetabled instance of the same course and any previous
enrolment will be deleted.
9.2. Switching timetabled instances of courses will not be approved once the student has
completed 50% of the course.


10.1. If the participant does not satisfactorily complete the requirements for the award, and or
fails to attend more than one-quarter of the course's total days without prior arrangement,
no refund will be given. Certification is determined at the discretion of the faculty and
includes personal suitability to practice.
10.2. Attendance of the course and completion of assignments does NOT guarantee
10.3. Certificates or awards will not be issued until all fees are paid.


11.1. You can defer your attendance at the course. However, once you decide to defer your
course, you will not be eligible for a refund for a change of mind after the deferral date.
11.2. Deferrals are normally allowed once and for a period of no more than 12 months.


12.1. You can apply for extensions for your course. The cost ranges from $2.50 to $5.00 a day.
Applications can be made on the Extension Form and will be assessed by Student
Administration. Extensions beyond 3 months will not typically be approved.


13.1. If the practical training sessions have started and you fail to attend the sessions into
which you are enrolled without prior notice to us, you will be charged for the full price of the
course and you will not be eligible to transfer to another course.


14.1. IAP does not guarantee or assure or promise that students will know all there is to know
about topics covered in the courses at the end of the course.
14.2. Although our courses can fulfil the education and training requirements of national and
international professional bodies, IAP itself does not accredit or license any graduates as
coaches, hypnotherapists, counsellors or practitioners of any kind whatsoever. Professional
accreditation, recognition, or licensing is normally attained through membership in the
relevant professional body or bodies as appropriate to the profession.
14.3. Although limited instruction may be offered, IAP Courses are not designed to teach how
to build or grow a business or clinic or any therapy practice.
14.4. Although our courses typically satisfy all the training requirements of membership into
various associations, IAP courses do not automatically provide you membership into any
association (e.g., the AHA, ACA).
14.5. IAP Courses provide training and education and are not to be considered therapy or
treatment in anyway whatsoever.
14.6. We are not liable for any third-party claims against you for losses or damages as a result
of the Courses.


15.1. IAP has no liability for any errors or omissions in the materials, whether provided by IAP
or by third parties.
15.2. While all care is taken in providing training and development services, IAP does not
accept any liability for the use made by a client or its employees or agents of any training
15.3. We warrant that we will employ trainers with the appropriate skills, as we determine, to
teach our courses.
15.4. You are solely responsible for results achieved in using any materials or skills learned in
any of our courses.
15.5. IAP reserves the right to change, edit, adapt or otherwise change any course or unit, for
improvement and rectification, and to implement any required changes that may come
about as a result of internal and external audits and standard validation and continuous
improvement processes.


Standards and Code of Conduct for Students


16. OBLIGATIONS OF STUDENTS (Students’ responsibilities as outlined in the IAP Student Code of
Conduct and the IAP Context of Learning Statement)
16.1. Students are expected to act with integrity at all times
16.2. Only submit work that is their own, or that has been appropriately referenced and
includes acknowledgements of all texts and resource materials utilised in the development of
the work.
16.3. All students, throughout their training and involvement with IAP are expected to:
16.3.1. Treat all people with fairness and respect and not do anything that could offend,
embarrass, or threaten others.
16.3.2. Not harass, victimise, discriminate against or disrupt others.
16.3.3. Treat all others and their property with respect.
16.3.4. Respect the opinions and backgrounds of others.
16.3.5. Follow all safety policies and procedures as directed by staff.
16.3.6. Report any perceived safety risks as they become known

16.3.7. Not bring into any premises being used for training purposes, any articles or items
that may threaten the safety of self or others.
16.3.8. Notify us (via the student portal) if any of their personal or contact details change.
16.3.9. Notify us if for any reason you are unable to participate in the training
16.4. Notify us immediately if you feel you are not coping mentally, emotionally, psychologically
with any parts of the training.
16.5. Notify the RTO Manager immediately of any concerns you may have with staff or
16.6. Provide relevant and accurate information to IAP in a timely manner.
16.7. Approach their course with due personal commitment and integrity.
16.8. Read, understand, accept, and work within the IAP Context of Learning Statement.
16.9. Complete all assessment tasks, learning activities and assignments honestly and without
plagiarism or infringing on Copyright.
16.10. Make regular contact with their Trainer/Assessor.
16.11. Prepare appropriately for all assessment tasks, visits and training sessions.
16.12. Notify IAP if any difficulties arise as part of their involvement in the program.
16.13. Notify IAP if they are unable to attend a training session for any reason at least 24 hours
prior to the commencement of the activity.
16.14. Make payments for their training within agreed timeframes, where relevant.


17. IAP requires you to participate in learning whilst free from the influence of any substance,
including drugs and alcohol, which may prevent you from learning activities safely and
17.1. Being under the influence of any substance jeopardises our commitment to working and
learning together, with the potential to impact the institute, staff, students and even our
17.2. IAP reserves the right to expel, suspend or terminate the enrolment of any student found
to be in an IAP training under the influence
17.3. We encourage anyone who may have an alcohol or drug problem to seek assistance.


18.1. If you have a concern with the facilitators, assessors, any staff, or another student, you
should immediately make the RTO Manager aware of your concern in writing via email.
18.2. The RTO Manager will advise on a course of action to deal with your concerns.


19.1. IAP believes that effective learning, especially in the education and training of
hypnotherapists, counsellors and coaches, needs to be supported by critical thinking and
critical thinking skills.
19.2. As such our courses and assessments are designed and delivered within a critical
thinking framework.


Critical Thinking in Learning

The key parts of critical thinking that students will encounter throughout their courses at IAP are:
The need to be open-minded, the need to be prepared to challenge assumptions – yours and
those of others, and the need to be willing to gather, evaluate and analyse data and evidence.

● In IAP courses, your own experiences and understandings are valued, however they are
always open to challenge (in the learning process).
● This means that in your course you may be presented with opinions, research, and evidence
that may challenge your understanding of the world; these will challenge your assumptions.
It is your responsibility to use critical thinking skills when this happens.
● When you are presented with something that challenges your belief of yourself, others and
the world, this is a learning experience which has been designed to teach you to think
critically, and if necessary, challenge assumptions.
● It is important that you enter any course of study at IAP with a willingness to be
open-minded, an awareness that the challenging of assumptions will be part of the learning,
and that your responsibility for your learning includes the gathering, evaluation and analysis
of what is presented and what is researched.

If you are not wanting to be challenged, then you should reconsider doing this study.


20.1. From time to time, there may be incidents of student plagiarism, cheating, collusion and
other incidents of misconduct which IAP is required to act upon in order to uphold the value
of assessment outcomes, the reputation of the nationally recognised training provided,
and/or the safety and well-being of students and staff.
20.2. IAP has zero tolerance when it comes to bullying, harassment, violence, discrimination,
and vilification and immediate termination of enrolment may be enforced in instances of
bullying, harassment, vilification, violence, and discrimination.
20.3. In any instances of any misconduct, IAP will take disciplinary action as per the IAP
Student Discipline Policy, and the IAP Student Discipline Procedure, which may lead to
termination of enrolment.
20.4. Misconduct is defined as any unacceptable behaviour such as bullying, harassment,
vilification, inappropriate chatter, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, violence (physical or
verbal), discrimination or any other behaviour that negatively affects the group.

20.5. IAP may terminate a student’s enrolment for misconduct at any time, at its sole
discretion. In the event of misconduct, IAP will not provide a refund of course fees or
20.6. IAP may terminate a student’s enrolment for unpaid course fees at any time, at its sole
20.7. IAP will take immediate and necessary disciplinary action in response to instances of
misconduct, including immediate termination of enrolment.



21.1. Copyright in all materials is owned by IAP unless otherwise stated.
21.2. You agree not to copy or use IAP copyrighted materials and resources without IAP’s
expressed prior written consent, beyond allowable limits under the Copyright Act.
21.3. You agree not to use, transmit, publish, or make available in any way, including online,
offline or through any other communication carriageway, any IAP course materials, IAP
trademarks or IAP copyrighted resources unless you have expressed prior written consent
from IAP. Any attempt to do so may result in damages.
21.4. You agree not to use our trademarks, trade names, or other designations in any
promotion without our prior written consent. Any attempt to do so may result in damages.


22.1. IAP aims to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all its participants and others who
enter its work premises and course venues. Similarly, participants must also be aware of
their duty to take responsible care of the health and safety of others and respect the rights
of other participants and trainers.
22.2. Participants are required to comply with the rules of conduct on the training premises
and follow any reasonable instructions of the trainer. Failure to do so may result in the
attendee's termination from a course.


23.1. Our obligations hereunder are conditional on your performance of your responsibilities
under these terms and conditions.
23.2. You agree not to assign, or otherwise transfer your rights under this Agreement without
our prior written consent. Any unauthorised attempt to do so is void.
23.3. Neither IAP nor you the attendee are responsible for failure to fulfill any obligations due
to causes beyond either party's control.
23.4. Any terms of this Agreement, which by their nature extend beyond its termination, remain
in full effect until fulfilled and apply to respective successors and assignees.


Due to the personal nature of the course, you are required to disclose to IAP if you have ever been
diagnosed with a mental illness or other condition (previous or current), at the point of enrolment
which may affect your ability to participate in the course.
In the event that you have disclosed a medical condition (mental or physical) that may affect your
ability to safely complete the course, we may direct you to provide adequate medical clearance from a
medical practitioner of our choosing. Based on medical advice we reserve the right to reject your
enrolment application


As part of my enrolment, I further agree to the following:
● If I experience any physical, emotional or psychological pain or discomfort during the
sessions, I will immediately inform the Trainers and cease performing any of the session
● I further understand that training should not be construed as a substitute for medical and
psychological examination, diagnosis, or treatment and in no way constitutes or be
construed as such.
● I understand that the Trainers and IAP are not qualified to perform, diagnose, prescribe, or
treat any physical or mental illness, and that nothing said in the course of the sessions
should be construed as such.
● Because hypnosis should not be performed under certain medical or psychological
conditions, I affirm that I have stated all my known medical, psychological or psychiatric
conditions, and answered all questions honestly.
● I agree to keep the Trainers and IAP updated as to any changes in my medical profile during
the sessions and agree that there shall be no liability on the Trainers or Promoters of the
● I further acknowledge that a possible consequence of the said sessions is that one or a
number of previously hereto unknown medical or psychological conditions might arise or be
uncovered and hereby indemnify the Trainers and IAP from any liability in the event of such
● I further indemnify the Trainers and IAP from any costs, injuries, current and future damages
and liability arising from or as a consequence of the sessions, and I also understand that the
Trainers and/or IAP reserve the right to refuse or cease to train anyone whom they deem to
have a condition for which the sessions is contraindicated or unsuitable for, at any point prior
or during the workshops without having to give any prior or extended notice.

These Terms and Conditions are subject to change at the discretion of IAP