If applicable, Group Supervision is undertaken by Graduates as part of the requirements when registering with Association bodies. IAP will always encourage you to refer to the association of your choosing directly to ensure what we offer meets those requirements. Group Supervision is not to be mistaken for one on one supervision and you will attend as part of a group. Group Supervision sessions are also limited with regards to spaces as the sessions are capped to ensure adequate engagement with the Supervisor.

Please use this form (linked below) to register for 2023 Group Supervision with Gordon Young.


Once you submit this form, you will be sent an INVOICE on which you can pay the fee of $597.00 Incl GST for a full Group which consist of 6 set individual dates

ALL Sessions run from 7pm to 10pm Sydney time.
Note: Dates are released at the beginning of the year so if you register for a group with less than 6 dates this means some sessions have already passed at the time of registration and so you will only be charged for the dates available at the time. Again an INVOICE for you to pay will be sent with the adjusted fee amount Incl GST. You can register for as many groups as you like. 

Have further questions? Call us on 1300 380 681, alternatively you can email us directly at support@iap.edu.au

Student Support